
May 1, Thursday

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Beltane is an ancient Celtic holiday celebrated on the night of April 30 to May 1. It symbolizes the beginning of the summer half-year and is associated with fertility, fire magic and the worship of nature. The name "Beltane" comes from the Old Irish "Bel-tinne", which can be translated as "bright fire" or "Bel's fire" (in honor of the Celtic god of light Beli).

Historical Significance of Beltane
Beltane was considered one of the four main Celtic holidays (along with Samhain, Imbolc and Lughnasadh). It marked the transition from the cold season to a time of warmth, light and growth. The holiday was dedicated to the fertility of the land, animals and people. This is the time when nature awakens and comes into full force.

Beltane Traditions and Customs
Fire rituals. The Beltane fires were in the central part of the holiday. Bonfires were lit on hills as a symbol of purification and protection. People, animals and even objects passed between the fires to be blessed. The flames were considered sacred and capable of warding off evil spirits.

Nature worship. The holiday is associated with the worship of sacred trees, especially oak, ash and blackthorn. Flowers and branches of greenery were used in rituals to decorate houses and make wreaths.

Unions and love. Beltane was a time for temporary marriages (so-called "marriages for a year and a day"), which could be reconsidered at the next holiday. Young couples spent the night in the woods, participating in symbolic rites celebrating love and fertility.

Maypole. A tall tree or pole was decorated with colored ribbons and greenery. Dancing around it symbolized life energy and the connection between heaven and earth.

Mystical and magical rituals. On Beltane night, the boundary between the human and spirit worlds became thin, making the holiday a time of special magic. People left offerings to fairies and nature spirits to attract their favor.


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