Birthday of Imam Mahdi
February 13, Thursday

Significance of the holiday
Religious significance. Celebrating Imam Mahdi's birthday symbolizes the Shiites' belief in his future appearance and salvation of the world from injustice. He is considered a source of hope and justice.
Community events. Prayers, lectures, and gatherings are often held on this day to discuss his life and teachings. Believers gather in mosques and communities to pray together.
Community events. In different regions, there may be festive celebrations, distribution of sweets and treats, and recitation of poems and songs dedicated to Imam Mahdi.
Spiritual purification. Many believers use this day to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness and personal growth, and to strengthen their ties with family and community.
Reading sacred texts. Believers recite verses from the Quran, especially those that relate to justice and the rule of the Imam.
Kindness and generosity. On this day, it is customary to show generosity by helping those in need and doing good deeds.
Discussion of doctrines. Lectures and discussions are held on the role of Imam Mahdi and his importance in the Shia faith.
Birthday of Imam Mahdi in other years
- 2022 March 18, Friday
- 2023 March 7, Tuesday
- 2024 February 24, Saturday
- 2026 February 2, Monday