
13 - April 15, Sunday – Tuesday

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Songkran is the Thai New Year, celebrated annually from April 13 to 15. This holiday is one of the most significant and vibrant in Thailand, combining traditional rituals, family gatherings and mass water battles.

The word "Songkran" comes from the Sanskrit term "sankranti", which means "movement" or "transition". The holiday symbolizes the transition of the Sun into a new zodiac sign and the beginning of the astrological new year.

Songkran was originally a harvest festival, but over time it has come to be associated with purification, renewal and honoring elders. It also coincides with the beginning of the rainy season, making water a central element of the celebrations.

Main Traditions
Purification and Blessing. Before the holiday, Thais clean their homes, which symbolizes the cleansing of negativity. In temples, Buddha statues are washed with scented water, which is considered an act of respect and purification.

Family Rituals People gather with their families to pay respects to their elders. Young people pour water on the hands of their parents and older relatives, asking for blessings for the new year.

Water games. The most famous part of Songkran is the massive water fights on the streets. People use water guns, buckets and hoses to splash each other with water, which symbolizes purification and protection from evil. Foreigners and tourists actively participate, turning the celebration into a grand festival.

Visiting temples. Thais visit temples to pray and make offerings to monks. This is an important part of the holiday, associated with spiritual growth.

Sand pagodas. Small pagodas are built on the territory of temples from sand, decorated with flowers and flags. This action symbolizes the return of sand carried away from the temple on shoes.


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