World Day of Social Justice

February 20, Thursday

World Day of Social Justice
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World Day of Social Justice is celebrated annually on February 20 and is dedicated to promoting equality, justice and eliminating social inequalities around the world. This day was established by the UN General Assembly in 2007 and is aimed at drawing attention to such problems as poverty, discrimination, gender inequality, unemployment and access to education and health care. The main goal of this day is to remind the world community of the importance of creating a just and equal society.

Goals of World Day of Social Justice
Fight against poverty. Social justice is closely linked to efforts to eradicate poverty. The day is intended to remind the world community of the need to support the most vulnerable segments of the population.

Elimination of discrimination. This day focuses on the importance of combating discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion or social status. Social justice is possible only in a society where everyone has equal rights and opportunities.

Fair distribution of resources. The UN emphasizes the importance of fair access to resources such as education, health care and jobs. This is essential for creating a sustainable society and reducing the gap between rich and poor.

Gender equality. One of the most important aspects of social justice is ensuring gender equality, including equal access for women and men to education, work and political life.

Promotion of workers' rights. One of the key elements of social justice is the protection of workers' rights, ensuring fair working conditions, decent wages and opportunities for professional development.

How is World Social Justice Day celebrated
International conferences and forums. On this day, numerous conferences and seminars are held on social justice issues. They are attended by representatives of governments, NGOs, international organizations and civil society.

Information campaigns. UN organizations, as well as various human rights groups and the media, conduct information campaigns aimed at drawing attention to social problems, explaining important aspects of social justice and ways to achieve it.

Educational events. Lectures, discussions and seminars are organised in schools, universities and cultural institutions to raise awareness among young people about global issues of inequality, discrimination and social injustice.

Solidarity actions. In some countries and regions, actions and events are held to support vulnerable groups of the population - the poor, the unemployed, migrants, the disabled and others.

World Day of Social JusticeOfficial website

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World Day of Social Justice in other years

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