Federal Territory Day

February 1, Saturday

Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Putrajaya

Federal Territory Day
© ShutterStock
Federal Territory Day is a holiday observed in Malaysia to commemorate the establishment and development of the country's federal territories. The day falls on 1 February and has special significance for the three federal territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya.

The holiday was established in 1974 when Kuala Lumpur was declared a federal territory. Labuan was later added in 1984 and Putrajaya in 2001.

Federal Territory Day is marked by various events such as:

Official Ceremonies: Official events are held on the day, including parades, wreath-laying ceremonies and other commemorative events.

Cultural Events: Cultural performances, exhibitions and art programmes are organised at various venues to showcase Malaysia's rich cultural heritage.

Community Events: Many communities engage in volunteer activities, sports competitions and other activities to improve the lives of their communities.

Federal Territory Day

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Federal Territory Day in other years

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