International Children’s Day of Broadcasting

May 2, Friday

International Children’s Day of Broadcasting
© ShutterStock
International Children's Day of Television and Radio is celebrated every first Sunday in March. This day was established on the initiative of UNICEF in 1994 and is aimed at drawing attention to the importance of high-quality and educational content for children on television and radio. The holiday emphasizes the role of media in shaping the worldview of the younger generation.

Goals of the holiday
Improving the quality of children's content. Children's Day of Television and Radio is designed to draw attention to the quality of programs intended for children and emphasize the importance of their educational and entertaining nature.

Children as participants in the media. The holiday encourages the creation of programs in which children themselves can take an active part, share their thoughts and stories, and even participate in the creation and hosting of programs.

Coverage of children's issues. One of the goals of this day is to draw attention to the problems faced by children around the world, such as poverty, children's rights, access to education and health.

Positive impact of media. Children's programming should have a positive and developmental impact, helping to shape their consciousness, moral values ​​and understanding of the world.

How is International Children's Day of Television and Radio Broadcasting Celebrated
Special broadcasts. Television and radio stations in many countries organize special broadcasts in which children participate in the creation of programs, acting as presenters, correspondents or even directors. These programs allow children to express their thoughts and talk about what worries them.

Thematic programs. On this day, programs are broadcast dedicated to children's rights, their problems and successes. Documentaries and reports are often shown that tell about the lives of children in different parts of the world.

Educational programs. Radio and television conduct educational programs for children aimed at their development and education, including discussions about children's rights, ecology, health and other important topics.

Involvement of children. In many countries, children are given the opportunity to temporarily take up positions in the media, for example, to become young reporters or editors. This gives them unique experience working in the media industry and the opportunity to learn something new.
International Children’s Day of Broadcasting – days left: 44. Create Countdown to Event

International Children’s Day of Broadcasting in other years

International Children’s Day of Broadcasting in other countries

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