Madeira Day
July 1, Tuesday

History of its origin
Madeira became part of Portugal in the 15th century, after being discovered by an expedition of Portuguese navigators.
In 1976, the first autonomy status was adopted, marking a significant expansion of the region's independence in administrative and political matters.
The Day of Madeira was established to commemorate this historic event and emphasize the island's cultural identity.
How the Day of Madeira is celebrated
Solemn events take place throughout the island, including concerts, tours, and exhibitions.
The celebration begins with an official ceremony featuring the flags of the autonomous region and Portugal.
Traditional folk performances are held, accompanied by singing and dancing in national costumes.
Significance for the locals
The Day of Madeira reminds the residents of their rich cultural heritage and historical path.
It is also an opportunity to meet with friends and family and strengthen the bonds between the residents of the region and the diaspora living outside the island.
The Day of Madeira is not only a day of autonomy but also a symbol of pride in the island's rich cultural and historical heritage, uniting the locals and visitors of the region.