International Black Sea Day

October 31, Friday

International Black Sea Day
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International Black Sea Day is celebrated annually on 31 October. This day is dedicated to recognizing the importance of preserving and protecting the Black Sea, a unique ecosystem that faces serious environmental problems caused by human activity. The holiday was established in 1996, when six coastal states - Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine - signed the Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea, recognizing the need for joint efforts to address the environmental problems of the region.

Black Sea Problems
Despite its importance, the Black Sea faces serious environmental threats:
Pollution. The main problem is pollution from wastewater and industrial waste that flows into the sea from rivers, especially the Danube, Dnieper and Dniester. Wastewater contains chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and heavy metals, which negatively affect the ecosystem of the sea.
Plastic waste is one of the most serious threats to the marine ecosystem. Plastic pollutes coastal waters and the deep sea, affecting the health of marine life and disrupting food chains.

Overfishing. Fishing is an important part of the economy of coastal countries, but overfishing of many fish species, including sturgeon and herring, leads to a sharp decline in their populations. This upsets the balance of the ecosystem and threatens the existence of several species.

Threat to biodiversity. Invasive species often enter the Black Sea, displacing local ones. This happens through ships and other means of transport, which upsets the natural balance and leads to the extinction of some local species.

Eutrophication. This is the process of oversaturation of water bodies with nutrients, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, which causes excessive algae growth. When the algae die, their decomposition absorbs oxygen from the water, creating "dead zones" where marine organisms cannot survive.

Climate change. Climate warming leads to changes in the temperature and water level in the Black Sea, which also affects its ecosystem. Temperature disturbances affect species adapted to certain conditions and increase risks to biodiversity.

Celebration Events
On International Black Sea Day, various events are held to raise public awareness of environmental issues and the need to take care of the sea:

Educational programs. Schools and universities organize lectures and seminars on the ecology of the Black Sea and its protection.
Environmental campaigns. Many cities located on the Black Sea coast host clean-up days and beach clean-up campaigns.
Scientific conferences. Environmentalists and scientists discuss current issues and problems of the Black Sea, developing strategies for its protection.
Cultural events. Exhibitions, concerts, art competitions help draw attention to the importance of sea protection.
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