Day of Victory on Lake Peipus

April 18, Friday

Day of Victory on Lake Peipus
© ShutterStock
Day of Military Glory of Russia — Day of the Victory of the Russian Soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German Knights on Lake Peipus is celebrated annually on April 18. This day was established in honor of one of the most significant events in Russian history — the Battle on the Ice, which took place on April 5, 1242 (according to the Julian calendar).

Historical background
The Battle on the Ice was a battle between the army of the Novgorod Republic led by Prince Alexander Nevsky and the army of the Livonian Order. It took place on the ice of Lake Peipus, not far from the modern city of Pskov.

In the 13th century, the German knights of the Livonian Order and their allies sought to expand their possessions at the expense of Russian lands, taking advantage of the weakening of Rus' due to the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Their expansion threatened the Novgorod Republic and the Orthodox faith.

The Russian army numbered about 15-17 thousand people, including Novgorod militias and allies. The forces of the Livonian Order were about 10-12 thousand knights and mercenaries.

The prince used the "catching bag" tactic - the Russian troops deliberately created a weakness in the center, luring the enemy into encirclement. When the German knights broke through the line, the flanking detachments surrounded them and then attacked.

The knights suffered serious losses. Part of their army drowned, as the ice could not withstand the weight of the knights in heavy armor. The victory strengthened the position of the Novgorod Republic and prevented further expansion of the Germans.

The day of the victory of Russian soldiers on Lake Peipus recalls the key moments in Russian history, when the unity and courage of the people allowed them to defend freedom and independence. Alexander Nevsky became a symbol of heroism and patriotism, and his deeds entered the pantheon of great victories of Russia.

Day of Victory on Lake Peipus

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Day of Victory on Lake Peipus in other years

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