Day of rotational workers
April 28, Monday

Shift work became widespread in Russia in the 20th century, especially in remote and northern regions, where people willing to work in difficult conditions are needed to meet the needs of industries such as oil and gas production, construction, and large infrastructure projects. For this purpose, the shift work method was developed: workers spend a certain amount of time (for example, a month or two) at the site, and then rest at home, after which they go back to work.
Tasks and challenges
Working conditions. Shift workers often work in extreme climate conditions, such as the Far North, the Arctic, or in hard-to-reach areas where there is no convenient transport network and infrastructure.
Long shifts. Shifts can last from several weeks to several months, which is due to the need to ensure continuous work at remote sites.
Social and psychological challenges. Shift work is associated with loneliness, a long break with family and loved ones, which requires psychological stability from workers.