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- Analog
Local Time in Kozloduy, Bulgaria
Tuesday, 4
March 2025
Kozloduy is 7 hours ahead of Columbus
Sunrise 06:57, Sunset 18:16, Day length 11:20
Moon 22.9%, Waxing Crescent
Eastern European Time (EET), UTC+2
Daylight Saving Time (DST) (1 hour forward): Sunday, March 30 2025 04:00 — Sunday, October 26 2025 03:00
Time difference, hrs.
Columbus | -7 Monday, 3 |
London | -2 Tuesday, 4 |
New York | -7 Monday, 3 |
Tokyo | 7 Tuesday, 4 |
Holidays and celebrations today
- International HPV Awareness Day
- World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
- World Obesity Day
- Brain Injury Awareness Day
- Global Day of the Engineer
- International Scrapbooking Industry Day
- World Day of Fight against Sexual Exploitation
- Mother's Day in 5 days
- Holidays and celebrations in Bulgaria in March