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Local Time in Amiens, France
Thursday, 20
March 2025
Amiens is 1 hour ahead of Yamoussoukro
Sunrise 06:53, Sunset 19:02, Day length 12:09
Moon 72.4%, Waning Gibbous
Central European Time (CET), UTC+1
Daylight Saving Time (DST) (1 hour forward): Sunday, March 30 2025 03:00 — Sunday, October 26 2025 02:00
Time difference, hrs.
Yamoussoukro | -1 Thursday, 20 |
London | -1 Thursday, 20 |
New York | -5 Wednesday, 19 |
Tokyo | 8 Thursday, 20 |
Holidays and celebrations today
- International Astrology Day
- International Day of Happiness
- International Francophonie Day
- UN French Language Day
- Alien Abduction Day
- Bibliomania Day
- March Equinox
- World Behavior Analysis Day
- World Flour Day
- World Frog Day
- World Oral Health Day
- World Sparrow Day
- World Storytelling Day
- World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People
- Holidays and celebrations in France in March
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