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- Analog
Local Time in Lahaina, United States
Tuesday, 11
March 2025
Lahaina is 5 hours behind of Lincoln
Sunrise 06:38, Sunset 18:34, Day length 11:57
Moon 94.1%, Waxing Gibbous
Hawaii–Aleutian Standard Time (HST), UTC-10
Time difference, hrs.
Lincoln | 5 Tuesday, 11 |
London | 10 Tuesday, 11 |
New York | 6 Tuesday, 11 |
Tokyo | 19 Wednesday, 12 |
Holidays and celebrations today
- World Plumbing Day
- National COVID 19 Day
- National Day 311
- National Funeral Director Day
- National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day
- Johnny Appleseed Day
- Debunking Day
- Key Deer Awareness Day
- National Dream Day
- National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day
- National Johnny Appleseed Day
- National No-Code Day
- National Organize Your Home Office Day
- Worship of Tools Day
- National Immune System Day
- Holidays and celebrations in United States in March