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- Analog
Local Time in Montgomery, United States
Monday, 20
January 2025
- Montgomery is 1 hour behind of Ashburn
- Sunrise 06:45, Sunset 17:06, Day length 10:22
- Moon 63.8%, Third Quarter
- Central Standard Time (CST), UTC-6
- Daylight Saving Time (DST) (1 hour forward): Sunday, March 9 2025 03:00 — Sunday, November 2 2025 01:00
Time difference, hrs.
Ashburn | 1 Monday, 20 |
London | 6 Monday, 20 |
New York | 1 Monday, 20 |
Tokyo | 15 Monday, 20 |
Holidays and celebrations on this day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Robert E. Lee DayAlabama, Mississippi
- Presidential inauguration
- National Cheese Lovers Day
- Valentine's Day in 25 days
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