Unity Day

January 22, Wednesday

Unity Day
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The Day of Unity of Ukraine is celebrated annually on January 22. This is an important national holiday that symbolizes the unity of the Ukrainian lands and national cohesion.

History of the holiday
The Day of Unity is associated with the events of 1919, when the Ukrainian People's Republic (UPR) and the West Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) were united. On January 22, 1919, the Act of Unity was proclaimed on Sophia Square in Kyiv - a declaration on the unification of the UPR and ZUNR into one state. This event became a symbol of the desire for unity of all Ukrainian lands and an important milestone in the history of the struggle for the independence of Ukraine.

On January 22, 1918, exactly one year before the Act of Unity, the Central Rada of Ukraine adopted the IV Universal, which proclaimed the complete independence of the UPR from Russia, which also gave this date special symbolism.

How is Unity Day celebrated
Chain of Unity. One of the traditions of the holiday is the organization of the so-called "human chain", when people, holding hands, symbolically unite different cities of Ukraine. This event is held in memory of the first "human chain" created in 1990 between Kiev and Lviv.

Ceremonies and rallies. Official ceremonies are held throughout Ukraine, including laying flowers at monuments, rallies and patriotic events, where people express support for the unity of the country.

Mass events. On this day, numerous cultural and educational events are held dedicated to the history of Ukraine, its statehood and the significance of unity.

In the context of modern challenges related to territorial integrity and external aggression, Unity Day is especially relevant for Ukrainians. The holiday is a reminder of the need for unity, mutual support and protection of national interests.
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Unity Day in other years

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