National Eggs Benedict Day
April 16, Wednesday

History of the dish
The history of eggs Benedict is shrouded in several versions:
Delmonico's version. In the late 19th century, the famous Delmonico's restaurant in New York City had a chef named Charles Ranhoff. According to legend, he created the dish at the request of regular customers, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Benedict, who wanted something new for breakfast.
Waldorf-Astoria version. Another story attributes the creation of the dish to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. In 1894, a Wall Street broker named Lemuel Benedict allegedly asked for something to help him cope with a hangover: toast, a poached egg, bacon, and hollandaise sauce. The chef improved the recipe by replacing the toast with an English muffin and adding ham.
Interesting Facts
The dish is considered a symbol of American cuisine, but is popular all over the world.
Making the perfect poached egg and the right texture of hollandaise sauce requires skill, so it has become a benchmark for chefs.