Lei Day
May 1, Thursday

History of the holiday
The idea of the holiday was proposed in 1927 by Don Blanding, a famous writer and journalist, who wanted to create a day dedicated to honoring Hawaiian traditions and lei symbolism. In 1929, the holiday was officially established as a state event in Hawaii.
Lei Day Traditions
Making leis. On this day, master classes are held on creating garlands. Each island of the Hawaiian archipelago has its own tradition of creating a unique lei from plants characteristic of the island.
Festivals and parades. Colourful parades with hula dancing are held. The largest celebration is held in Honolulu, where a "Lei Queen" is elected.
Songs and dances. Musical concerts with traditional Hawaiian music and dances are held.
Decorating houses and streets. Leis are hung everywhere, symbolizing joy and unity.
Lei exchange. People give each other leis as a sign of love, friendship and respect.