International GM's Day

March 4, Tuesday

International GM's Day
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International GM's Day — an annual celebration held on March 4th, dedicated to recognizing and showing gratitude to game masters (GM), also known as game masters, narrators, or storytellers, for their contributions to the world of tabletop role-playing games.

History of the Holiday
The idea for International GM's Day originated in December 2002 on the EN World forum. A user with the nickname Spunkrat (later changed to Heathen72) proposed establishing a day to honor game masters, to thank them for their hard work and efforts. The date of March 4th was chosen at the suggestion of another forum member, as it sounds similar to the English phrase "March forth," symbolizing forward movement in games. Notably, on March 4th, 2008, Gary Gygax, one of the creators of Dungeons & Dragons, passed away, giving the date additional significance.

How is it celebrated?
On this day, players express their appreciation for their game masters in various ways:
Gifts and thanks: symbolic gifts are given, or verbal thanks are expressed for the games that have been run.
Special game sessions: special game sessions are held, where roles may be reversed, and the game master gets the opportunity to play as a player.
Discounts and promotions: many publishers and tabletop game stores offer special discounts and promotions on their products in celebration of the holiday.

International GM's Day has become an important tradition within the tabletop role-playing game community, highlighting the significance and contribution of game masters in creating captivating and engaging game worlds.
International GM's Day – days left: 3. Create Countdown to Event

International GM's Day in other years

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