International Cannabis Day

April 20, Sunday

International Cannabis Day
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International Hemp Day, also known as 4/20 (pronounced "four-twenty"), is observed on April 20 and has become an unofficial holiday celebrating cannabis and the culture surrounding its use. The day has gained popularity mainly in Western countries, especially in the United States, where there is an active movement to legalize cannabis.

The origins of International Hemp Day go back to the 1970s. One of the most famous versions is the story of a group of California teenagers who called themselves the "Waldos". They would regularly meet at 4:20 p.m. after school to use cannabis together. Eventually, the time "4:20" became a symbol of this activity, and then evolved into a larger cultural phenomenon.

Meaning and goals
Support for legalization. International Hemp Day is often used to promote the legalization of cannabis for both recreational and medical purposes. In many countries, there is an active debate about the benefits and risks of legalization, and April 20th is becoming a day when activists organize marches, rallies, and actions.

Awareness of medical use. In recent years, more and more studies have shown that cannabis can be used to treat various diseases, such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders. On this day, special attention is paid to raising awareness of the medical benefits of cannabis.

Culture and community. International Cannabis Day has also become a cultural holiday when people come together to share experiences and knowledge about cannabis. It is a day when cannabis culture enthusiasts hold events, festivals, music concerts, and other social gatherings.

Traditions and events
Marches and protests. In many countries, marches and rallies are held where activists advocate for the legalization of cannabis and for changes in the laws regarding its use. These events are often organized in large cities and attract thousands of participants.

Festivals and concerts. Festivals are organized on this day where people gather to enjoy music, art and culture related to cannabis. Such events take place in parks or open spaces.

Educational programs. Lectures, seminars and discussions are held as part of International Cannabis Day, where various aspects of cannabis use are discussed, from medical research to its social and cultural role.
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