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Local Time in Kihei, United States
Saturday, 15
March 2025
Kihei is 6 hours behind of Columbus
Sunrise 06:33, Sunset 18:35, Day length 12:01
Moon 97.4%, Full Moon
Hawaii–Aleutian Standard Time (HST), UTC-10
Time difference, hrs.
Columbus | 6 Saturday, 15 |
London | 10 Saturday, 15 |
New York | 6 Saturday, 15 |
Tokyo | 19 Sunday, 16 |
Holidays and celebrations today
- World contact day
- World Consumer Rights Day
- National Pears Helene Day
- Buzzards Day
- Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
- Ides of March
- Brutus Day
- Dumbstruck Day
- International Day Against Police Brutality
- International Eat an Animal for PETA Day
- International Sports Car Racing Day
- National Corn Dog Day
- National Peanut Lovers Day
- National Quilting Day
- National Shoe The World Day
- National VO Day
- Play the Recorder Day
- Save the Florida Panther Day
- True Confessions Day
- World Essential Workers Day
- World Speech Day
- International Redefining Wealth Day
- Holidays and celebrations in United States in March
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