National Fossil Day

October 15, Wednesday

National Fossil Day
© ShutterStock
National Fossil Day was established in the United States by the National Park Service during 2010 as a celebration and partnership to promote the scientific and educational values of fossils. The first annual National Fossil Day was hosted on October 13, 2010, as a fossil-focused day during Earth Science Week. The National Park Service, the American Geosciences Institute, and more than 385 partners, including museums, institutions, science and teacher organizations, agencies, fossil sites, amateur fossil groups and other entities, joined together in a partnership to educate the public about fossils, the science of paleontology and America's Paleontological Heritage. There are National Fossil Day partners in all 50 states providing opportunities for educational outreach and hosting hundreds of fossil-themed activities at the local level.

National Fossil Day

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National Fossil Day in other years

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